Your innovative source

Your innovative source


The Stilo Optical technology , after seeing the success achieved by the BIIB developed for Jimei, with which Id studio collaborated until the end of 2016 contacted me to create a new BIIB platform that besides presenting his Italian start up should work as a virtual and dynamic back office 24-hour active, capable of providing feedback and back-up management and continuous monitoring of the productions step.


Following the brief of Stilo Optical Technology we designed and developed on PHP language, a performing and modern BIBB platform. The updating system will be created on purpose, thanks to a CMS system that will allow an easy and quick complete update: the interface will be intuitive and easy to use. The floatchart will be expansible, capable to host new pages in the course of time The reserved area will be interfaced in real time with the ERP for the accounting, logistic management and for the production progress steps. As a plus we created a sharing area where the registered user could be downloading and uploading files , in a easy way.